00:00:00 - Shoulders of geniuses - Jeff Goldblum opens the show.

00:00:30 - Left and right, round table, square table.

00:01:30 - Opening music

00:02:20 - Christopher Lee

00:05:25 - Stephen's endless list of one movie

00:08:15 - Andy's grand segway

00:08:35 - Jurassic World

00:09:30 - Andy wants to kick off straight away

00:11:40 - A part of Stephen's fun is picking it apart.

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We go theme park gone wrong mad today as we review the latest outing for the Jurassic Park franchise. Not a reboot, nothing all that memorable, but an experience you enjoy in the moment. WestWorld is a classic albeit obvious questionable ideas such as how loaded weapons get in the hands of a robot... other than that, it's a movie that gets your circuits sparking. FutureWorld could have had everything, but it has an actual resort missing, a rock steady Yul Brynner scene missing, and an ability to not use a factory boiler room over and over again. Frankly, while you watch it you are making up your own version of what a great film it good have been. These are theme parks you don't want to get on the wrong side of. Best stick with a bouncy castle in the back garden.

Plus, we talk about what it means to be an icon, product placement and the passing of Christopher Lee.



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