00:00:00 - Straight into it. Bracket breaks. Studio is falling apart.

00:00:20 - Opening Theme Tune

00:01:20 - Episode 51 - fruitcase is amazing podcast food.

00:02:50 - Andy is on water and tea.

00:03:25 - Facebook is just a share dumping zone - Cher Zone. Puddle rant zone.

00:04:20 - Andy's infamous segway - lead in - transition.

00:04:40 - Deadpool not the Clint Eastwood movie.

00:05:00 - What Stephen means to say is that he prefers Deadpool to Spiderman.

00:05:30 - Deadpool trailer.

00:06:18- The thing is with Deadpool, you can't have him join in the Marvel or X Men universe. He breaks the 4th wall.

00:07:00 - Stephen liked this Marvel movie.

00:07:40 - Mentioned Crash for sexual reference to dog eating intestines. Makes sense.

00:08:20 - Better comedy than most comedies.

00:09:00 - Orange superhero list.

00:09:30 - Bananaman.

00:10:05 - Eric is a kid who turns into a man. Tom Hanks is Bananaman.

00:10:30 - Ryan Reynolds huge fan of Deadpool.

00:12:20 - Propstitutes - progressive role for women - subversive?

00:13:00 - Funny sex scenes.

00:13:20 - The Room - sex scene - belly button.

00:14:20 - Bad guy who hits off even worse people.

00:14:45 - Battery running out.

00:15:15 - And we're back.

00:16:40 - Baked Bean shaped head.

00:18:20 - if Denis Leary played Deadpool, or Stewart Lee.

00:19:55 - Cancer is gone, but physically scarred - mutant gene.

00:21:00 - James McAvoy - 4th wall break on X Men references.

00:23:50 - Doesn't mean every other movie has to be R rated.

00:25:00 - The Vs comic books - ending on Aliens versus Sex and the City.

00:26:20 - Aliens Versus Sex and the City directed by Michael Bay.

00:28:30 - Clint Eastwood - Dirty Harry "The Deadpool" - The presidential election.

00:34:20 - Trailers: Ghostbusters 2016 - Oh boy.... or girl.

00:35:30 - Stephen feels sorry for the women - Why call it Ghostbusters.

00:41:00 - Unboxing is stupid! Andy and Stephen watch an unboxing.

00:42:45 - A stadium of people watching an iPhone being unboxed.

00:43:40 - Fans want George Lucas back... and that's okay?

00:47:20 - Comments on the Ghostbusters Trailer.

00:59:30 - Trailers: 10 Coverfield Lane.

01:03:50 - Accidental trailer for cat food. Dogs playing chess with kittens.

01:04:30 - Trailers: Purge: Election Year.

01:06:55 - A lot of stuff in the trailer.

01:10:30 - Trailers: VVitch

01:12:20 - Trailers: Conuring 2 revisit. What are they doing with it?

01:13:00 - Is the clock running? Have we started yet?

01:13:58 - Fin.

We ride on into the episode with a review of Deadpool, and then all hell breaks loose when we decide to discuss the issues with the new Ghostbusters Trailer. Oh but wait, we are looking forward to the film, and we want to put an end to all the nasty sexism that is flying, hitting hard against the production crew and cast of the brand new reboot. All these women want to do is work hard and entertain. Can we give them a chance? Also we talk about trailers for 10 Cloverfield Lane, Purge 3: Election Year, Witch and that's pretty much it.



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